Prototype Program

Rol-Away’s “Prototype Program” is an economic method for our customers to test and see first-hand how well a certain unit will meet their requirements. We give our customers the ability to purchase a single unit at a special prototype price to see exactly how it will preform in their facility before placing a full order.


Often on paper you may not see every opportunity presented in your unique warehouse but when you have a physical prototype unit to kick the tires with and put through the tests, very specific criteria can be identified. Based off of your experience with the prototype, we can then alter the design to ensure the unit fits perfectly with your specific requirements and application.


High weight capacities, mezzanines, high reach ladders, narrow aisles, bulky loads, you name it and Rol-Away has built one to fit a similar application. We have the expertise to build ladders for existing carts that didn't originally have one, make automated units, customize carts down to the smallest of details, and so much more.


With our prototype program, you can ensure that the unit you are dreaming of will be all you want and more. Email to get started on your design for the perfect unit for your facility.


What Makes Powder-Coated Carts Special?